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ABB industry leader receives prestigious NEMA Kite & Key Award
At NEMA’s recent 90th Annual Membership Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, Roger Daugherty, PhD of Baldor Electric Company, a member of the ABB Group, was awarded the Kite & Key Award from NEMA, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association in the U.S. This award recognizes industry leaders whose pioneering innovations epitomize the best in codes, standards and advocacy.
Daugherty, Consulting Engineer in Baldor’s Advanced Development Technology Group, has been passionate about motors and their standards for most of his career. Since 1984, he has served on numerous committees, subcommittees, and working groups within the NEMA Motor and Generator Section, including chairman of the Medium Machine Subcommittee and chairman of the Technical Committee as it assumed responsibility for all machine types and sizes within the NEMA scope.
“Roger’s strong presence representing the electric motor industry in technical and government circles helped not only strengthen the motor industry positions but also to raise the status of NEMA as a global authority for motor issues and policies,” said Daniel Delaney, current chair of the Motor and Generator Section.
Daugherty was instrumental in the establishment of efficiency standards for energy-efficient induction motors, including the passing of the landmark Energy Policy Act of 1992. He then represented the NEMA Motor and Generator Section on all subsequent DOE motor rulemakings, including the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, the Small Motor Rule and Test Procedures in 2010, and the Integral Horsepower Motor Rule and Test Procedures in 2014. He has been influential in the continuous revision of NEMA MG 1 Motors and Generators and other NEMA standards and guides.
In addition to his work with NEMA, Daugherty has traveled throughout the world participating in the development of IEEE, IEC, CSA, and CANENA global motor standards and has been active in the revision of IEC standards relative to application in the U.S.