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IBE Leads to Energy Savings and Increased Plant Reliability

A mining operation located in the Southeastern United States was expanding their facility, but due to limited capital, had to build it with conveyor components from other operations that had been shut down. They were especially concerned about reducing energy consumption, increasing equipment reliability and managing spare parts inventories as they began the project. With hundreds of products to track on a variety of applications, the company engaged Baldor’s Installed Base Evaluation (IBE) team to perform an evaluation of their installed products, as well as conduct a conveyor design review.

The IBE team evaluated the motors and mechanical power transmission components of twenty-one conveyors, two crushers, and three screening operations. Not only did the team uncover several opportunities for energy savings, they also discovered that several pulleys and gear reducers were undersized for the application, which if not corrected, could have led to significant downtime.

The comprehensive IBE report also included detailed recommendations on how to increase energy efficiency by upgrading existing motors to premium efficient motors and by identifying which applications should be switched to more efficient HTRC synchronous belts.

By taking an accurate survey of products in operation and in spare inventory locations, the IBE team also developed a comprehensive report that outlined:

  • A motor rewind versus replacement strategy and program
  • A simplified and standardized list for stocking requirements for motors, gear reducers, pulleys, sheaves, belts, and bearings
  • An overall preventive maintenance program

Mining company officials say the IBE evaluation and component design review not only helped them to successfully start up the new plant, it will also help them prevent future downtime. After the IBE they were able to install correctly sized components, know exactly where to install premium efficient products to achieve the most energy savings, and they had a plan of action for maintenance and inventory control. With their investment in an Installed Base Evaluation, they discovered a total cost of ownership approach (TCO) for energy savings and increased plant reliability.